Sunday, October 5, 2008

the Craig shower radio

Since there aren't many easily bought radios out
there in the stores these days, and since CVS had
the Craig "AM/FM splashproof shower radio"
on sale for $6.50 (down from $13), I figured I
would do a review of this cheapie
(Craig model csr1301). Quick take:

--OK sensitivity (not super) across the whole band
--tuning is a bit tricky, but the damping of the water
seal gives it good stability when you take your hand off
--selectivity was good..I could seperate NYNY 1010 WNDS
from 1030 WBZ (much closer, same direction) no problem
--sensitivity: fair to good. Gets all the locals fine, but barely
gets the local-tiny stations. The $10 Sony pocket unit
is much better (though, it's better than scads of radios
under $50 on AM)
---house noise: strangely, not trounced by dimmers and
CFL lights as badly as others....not bad at all!

--almost pointless below 92 FM. Got 1 out of 6 usuals.
--92-108 FM: sensitivity fair-good, selectivity bad
--drift: a bit squirrely

--midrange only
--honky tone when cranked

If you want AM news in Suburbia, in the shower this is a good radio.
Otherwise, it's OK for the price (shower-proofing is
worth something), but you get what you pay for.
If you have strong local FM and aren't picky about station,
you can get some toons.

Summary: Good AM...otherwise, issues, especially if you live
in weaker signal zones.

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